The time to act is now.
We are a B Corp certified company committed to using our business as a force for good, which is why we teamed up with a community of Canadian B Corps to create our very own old growth forest of the future; Forest B.
Located on 25 hectares of Alberta’s Capital Region Biosphere, on land owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Alberta Fish & Game Association (AFGA), we claim our future by reforesting today.
Forest B will transform the landscape by planting 57,000 trees of varied species such as Trembling Aspen, Balsam Poplar, Paper Birch, White Spruce, and Larch. This will restore fallow agricultural land into a diverse, regenerative ecosystem capable of supporting native plant and animal species.
This initiative is just one step towards a livable planet for future generations. We are proud to be partnering with Wild + Pine (@wildandpineab) and other B Corps across Canada in this collective action initiative to restore Canadian Landscapes. While trees are the most recognized and visible elements of a forest, Wild + Pine’s projects focus on the development of diverse ecosystems. For each tree planted, Wild + Pine creates the scaffolding for a biodiverse understory and regenerative habitat for native plant and animal species. with selected species that represent surrounding forest community, and succession stage.
Like the B Corp community, Forest B will never be cut down. Year on year, it will grow stronger and more diverse. It is our opportunity to turn our words into action, restore the land, and show we are serious about climate action.
"The trees act not as individuals, but somehow as a collective. Exactly how they do this, we don't yet know. But what we see is the power of unity. What happens to one happens to us all." - Robin Wall Kimmerer
We know that little by little, a little becomes a lot. Join us and other Canadian B Corp’s to sponsor this monumental restoration effort by visiting Wild + Pine’s website: