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little by little: making an impact.

Marigold Collection is the charitable branch of our organization and is the brand under which we give back. Read about why this initiative is so important to our President, Jamie McCabe.

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention." ~ Oscar Wilde

I was raised with the belief that the most generous kind of giving is when nobody's looking.

I have a memory of walking out of a nice restaurant with my parents where there was a homeless person asking for money. My mom gave him twenty dollars and wouldn’t let go of his hand until he promised he’d purchase food with it.

The longer she held the man’s worn hand, the more my father’s emotions were getting the better of him. As we walked away, I asked him why he was choked up. I still remember his response 20 years later.

‘We are so lucky.’

It was always important to my parents to give back to the community that gave them so much. Now as I lead the company, I believe in the importance of community service and involvement at a corporate level and have seen first hand that it doesn't take a lot to do a little - and if we all do a little, we can create a big impact.


Marigold Collection is our way to contribute little by little to the communities where we work and live. We hope that it inspires our team and clients to get involved in a way that is important to them.

Our give back initiatives extend beyond volunteering in our communities.

The online collection is an offering of brandable merchandise where 3% of the proceeds from all pieces sold is donated to a charitable organization that supports beneficiaries in Canada. Our hope is that every time a client purchases from the Marigold Collection, they celebrate the positive impact they’re making and inspire others to find their own ways of giving back.

Each order placed from the collection can support a different charity, and clients can choose exactly what their dollars are supporting. See the collection at



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McCabe Promotional is a promotional products distributor with offices across Ontario, Canada.

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